Grade 3 - Cape Sable Explorers

Program Highlights

This is a 90-minute program that actively gets students to explore the museum’s retired fishing trawler, Cape Sable. Students will investigate the vessel, analyze their observations and draw conclusions as to what life could be like aboard a fishing trawler. The program connects with the school curriculum in an engaging format.


Curriculum Outcomes

Students will be given the opportunity to explore how the workings of a trawler can impact the marine environment and the lifestyle of the worker, and worker’s family. The Cape Sable Explorer program promotes reflection on how things have changed with advances in technology, and fishing’s role in our local economy. Learning is self-directed and relies upon object based learning.


Program Length

90 minutes






$4 per student



5 minutes: Introduction

This program will start with the students gathering in the Banks Fishery gallery. Everyone will get the ground rules and the layout of the program: first activity is with the entire group – the Number Board Game; then the class will be divided into three groups and go aboard the trawler Cape Sable and each group will have a question sheet and set off to explore and find the answers; the program concludes with a wrap up session.

15 minutes: Number Board Game

The purpose of this activity is to recap the programs discoveries about what trawler fishing involved.

15 minutes: 5 W’s of Trawlers

The purpose of this activity is to provide the students the foundation of trawler fishing before beginning their exploration aboard the museums retired fishing trawler.

15 minutes: Middle Deck & Lower Deck Quarters Activity

The purpose of this activity is through self-discovery object-based learning the students identify how the living quarters of this 50-year old trawler differ from their living quarters and what specifically has changed.

15 minutes: Upper Deck Wheelhouse & Quarters Activity

The purpose of this activity is for the student to explore the Skippers zone and get a sense of the responsibility of being in the wheelhouse.

15 minutes: Outside Deck Activity

The purpose of this activity is for the students to discover the realities of working on the deck of a trawler and to think about the nature of the workload.

10 minutes: Wrap Up Activity

The purpose of this activity is for the students to share their discoveries and to ignite conversation about how things have changed today.



May 20 , 2023 to Oct. 14, 2023


Information and Reservations

In the off-season, we recommend calling to confirm availabilities of school programming. In addition, we can explore developing a customized product upon request.

To reserve your program please call Hilda Russell at 902-634-4794, ext.228 or email